Founded by tours experts, MY STS offer luxury excursions and tailor made touring in France main touristic regions.
Employing licensed guides who also assume the driving, do not only sets MY STS apart from others, but do also enable us to offer very competitive tours rates.
Our licensed guides team is our most valuable asset. Customers enjoy their good English, their extended culture and expertise on history, arts and antics, as well as their friendly attitude.
Travel Advisors appreciate our local On Site expertise which allows them to add value and enjoyment to their clients itineraries. Quick pass museum entry, cruise & shows reservations are also part of provided services.
MY STS do also provide airport and rail transfers, at most reasonable rates, as well as Meet & Greet and As Directed services.
We provide a superior level of live customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet our clients' needs.